Podcast: Co-Founder/CDO Tim Jacobsen on his career, creating Ghost Rider at FuseFX and More!

Tim Jacobsen Podcast

Our very own Co-Founder/CDO Tim Jacobsen was recently interviewed by Fueled Death Cast on an array of topics, including his personal story in the industry, finding his way and ultimately joining his fellow business partners David Altenau (Founder/CEO) and Jason Fotter (Co-Founder/CTO). This special podcast interview is a must listen for those who are looking to find their place in the visual effects business and would like to learn more about the amazing work that is done here at FuseFX. Tim's story exemplifies the evolution of one's career and bridging the gap between the creative and the business side of the film and television industry, specifically as it relates to the visual effects industry. Watch the full podcast here: https://www.deathwishcoffee.com/pages/fueled-by-death-cast-fusefx

Watch a snippet of the podcast below:

