Jessica Sharp is the Global Head of Production at FuseFX. In this role, Jessica oversees and enhances production operations across all our North American facilities, engaging with studio leadership, production teams and auxiliary departments to develop efficient workflows, team build and standardize best practices. She partners with other brand leaders under the Pitch Black Company banner in fostering collaboration while advancing our shared projects to completion through economic and participative success.

A U.S. native, Jessica spent her youth in the southeastern U.S. Obtaining an M.F.A. from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco was her first taste of West Coast living. From there, her work with the TED conference shifted her focus south to Los Angeles, where she first dabbled with postproduction. This new focus took her on a global journey across studios in Los Angeles, Pune India, Toronto, and now Vancouver. While working globally, she’s been credited on feature films such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens & The Last Jedi, Avengers: Infinity War and Blade Runner: 2049, Animation projects such as Netflix’s Green Eggs and Ham and now in episodic through FuseFX’s multitude of work.

Jessica's enthusiasm and problem-solving approach make her an invaluable leader. She excels at supporting teams through transitions, drawing on empathy and positivity to shepherd change and drive successful outcomes.